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The Ant-Man suit is a superhero suit that allows players to gain the shrinking abilities of Ant-Man. The suit is powered by Pym Particles.


The Ant-Man suit is crafted using reinforced leather, iron ingots, various redstone components and a mix of dyes.

Antman Helmet Recipe.png
Antman Chestplate Recipe.png
Antman Leggings Recipe.png
Antman Boots Recipe.png


The Ant-Man suit is worn and provides players with the protection equivalent to a mix of iron and diamond armour. The suit also grants players with speed and jump boost. The suit's helmet can also be opened by pressing the helmet key.

The size of a shrunken Ant-Man.

When wearing the suit, you can use a Pym Particle to shrink down to a height of 0.125 blocks. While smaller, you will have increased resistance and attack damage.

Using a suit modification table, this suit can be upgraded into either the Upgraded Ant-Man Suit, or the Wasp suit.