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The Cyclops suit is a superhero suit that players can use to gain the powers of Cyclops.


The Cyclops suit is crafted using reinforced leather and a mix of dyes.

Cyclops Helmet Recipe.png
Cyclops Chestplate Recipe.png
Cyclops Leggings Recipe.png
Cyclops Boots Recipe.png


The Cyclops suit is worn and provides players with the protection equivalent to a mix of iron and diamond armour. The suit also grants players with speed and jump boost.

The suit also grants player Cyclops' optic blast, which can be used to fire a powerful laser in the direction you are looking. By pressing the suit ability key, the blast mode can be toggled between a narrow and wide blast. The narrow blast is more precise and has a higher damage, while the wide blast has a larger target area and knockback. The narrow blast can also damage terrain.


Variants can be crafted from the original suit using the suit modification table.